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Monday, June 22, 2009

~~~ mY rOOm ~~~

I m so glad to have my own room..a big n comfortable room with my own toilet...hehe. My lovely bed, new pc, my decoration which is my pictures.... love all that i have.. but a disadvantage is the room is hot.. eventhough with two fans.. XC if the room is with air - condition, sure i won leave my room d!! i rather stay there 20hours... hehe... but better not make it too comfortable. if not i will keep playing traunt again.. lolz

memories of my life if all around in my room. hahahaha

my bed.. with lovely moo moo..

tables with pc... erm, is too messy there..
work in progress.. pai se..

lolz... how u define PRINCESS?
this is how i do~

this is my house toilet.. love the mirror so much.
cause it is in pink colour.
specially pick by mummy for me. hehe

Life in Kampar~

I have been in Kampar for more than 3 weeks time.. Life is peaceful... my daily activities are sleeping, eating, schooling, facebook-ing, msn-ing... lolz... more is going to pasar malam, Tesco, jogging/walking and going back to home town.. i believe 99% of the students here have the same living style like I do~ lolz....
Time to let pictures speak.. =D

The silly guys in my class.... lolz

this is nice~ is 7 something in the evening.

Can u belive that TESCO is a NIGHT MARKET???
lolz.. Kampar is not bad ok?? lolz
zheng n goh.. grabbing junk food..

tues KFC offer... 5.50pm we rush over to place the last few orders..
KC, hou sik mou?? hahaha
this is the most popular vehicle of all in Kampar~
*picture taken in Utar*
i wonder how the students actually able to recogzine thier bike..